lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011

scorpION Interior and Color & Trim

2 comentarios:

ulises dijo...

hi karla.. it's all a pleasure to contact you, in addition, let me tell you, what a wonderful work!.

i have just to follow your blog, because of my searching for a design school.
well i was surfing on IED web page looking for info about the major in transportation desing, then in the scorpION video i noticed, there was a person from mexico in the project.

yes, i'm mexican too! :).

as you can read, i'm no too good in english, but that's no the point... i'm crazy about car design, and i'm just to begin my studies here in chihuahua mexico on industrial design engineering in the ULSA chihuahua.

i'm here writing to you, with hope on you can tell me, what should i do, in order to become in a car designer?

i already know that i've to begin study industrial desing.. ok! i think i'm doing well with this first step, but, here in mexico, what can i do or where can i study a master degree in order to achieve my commitment?; also, that if it is more convenient that i look for a abroad school!.

i hope you don't get mad with my comments... also, you could realy help me please!

with no else! i hope you are fine and hear about you soon!!!


Greetings from MEXICO!

Sincerely, Adan Ulises Pimentel Urdiales.

Karla Soriano dijo...

Hola Ulises!!
Una disculpa, por no contestar antes, espero puedas ver mi mensaje y si quieres mandame tu mail, para estar màs en contacto.
Muchas gracias por las felicitaciones, y me da mucho gusto que quieras seguir este camino, te puedo decir que si, diseño industrial te ayuda mucho, de hecho es lo que yo hice. Te recomiendo mucho que dibujes siempre, a mano como en compu y como programas lo que mas usamos es photoshop y 3d alias. Mucha práctica y siempre segue tu pasión! ;)

Un gran abrazo.
Y cualquier no dudes en escribirme! :)